Programming Staff

Programming Staff

Participate and promote local Sephardi/Mizrahi events and leaders:

If you know of an Sephardi/Mizrahi event in your area, encourage students and faculty to attend, and perhaps organize a formal school outing. Invite Sephardi/Mizrahi speakers who can share with students their experiences and the experiences of these communities.

Incorporate Sephardic traditions into your Shabbat and holiday programming:

During Shabbat and holiday celebrations, add Sephardi/Mizrahi foods to your menu. For instance, in addition to serving an egg-based hallah at a Shabbat celebration, also make available pita or water hallah. Similarly, serve fried bumuelos in addition to latkes on Hanukkah. Teach about other Sephardi/Mizrahi holidays customs, such as celebrating Hag Ha’Banot on the seventh day of Hanukkah. When you teach students holiday-specific music, add in melodies from Sephardi/Mizrahi lands as well. On Holocaust Memorial Day, remember the persecution and murder Sephardic Jews in Algeria, Tunisia, Salonica, Rhodes, Cos and the Balkans.

Promote diversity among student groups and leadership roles:

Encourage students from diverse backgrounds to participate in a range of student activities. Provide leadership opportunities for students, and urge students from underrepresented groups to apply. Regularly check in with club members to ensure that all student-led groups are conducted according to the school’s inclusion values.